MonoCab VRT Rapid Transit System


MonoCab VRT Rapid Transit System Model:-

In order to gauge public opinion of the MonoCab VRT rapid transit system, a trailer mounted, 2.0 x 1.5 metre model was built in 2008, for display in public venues such as shopping centres.

Model View 1 

Model View 2

 Model View 3



This shows the points open for the car to leave the mini station.




What did the public like about the
MonoCab VRT system? 

  1. It’s above the traffic -“ the only way to go” is a frequent comment.
  2. Reduction of traffic congestion.
  3. Minimal land resumptions.
  4. Minimal disruptions during construction and operation.
  5. Available 24/7 on demand.
  6. The low capital and operating costs with the resultant low fares.
  7. The high speed.
  8. Extensive network.
  9. Environmentally friendly.
  10. Personal security/safety.
  11. Potable water harvesting.
  12. Low noise level.

This is a typical response sheet from the display of the model. Surnames/family names and street names have been deleted for respondents' privacy.

 Response Sheet




During public displays of our MonoCab VRT model, we conduct a written survey (name, address and comments). We also ask respondents two questions:-

Would you like the MonoCab VRT rapid transit system in your community?

The Response:-

YES - 99.42%

We also ask them to rate the system out of 10:-

Average rating = 9.54/10

You Can't Get Much Better Than That!!