MonoCab VRT Rapid Transit System


Gold Coast and South East Queensland:-

NOTE:- This does not include Brisbane metropolitan tracks.

The Gold Coast MonoCab VRT start passenger capacity for this analysis is based on the average 18,500/day patronage experienced by the Gold Coast light rail in its first month of operation. The light rail track is 13 km long. The MonoCab VRT proposed track for the Gold Coast is 200 km, i.e. 15.4 times longer and has over 230 mini stations.

The MonoCab VRT start up capacity has been set at 185,000 i.e. 10 times the light rail figure. Given the superior 24/7 service with much faster transit times, it is obvious that this figure would be easily reached by the MonoCab VRT system. The MonoCab VRT fare adopted is 50% of the current bus fare.

The South East Queensland heavy rail system transports approximately 190,000 passengers/day. A figure of approximately 35% of this figure has been adopted as the start up capacity of the South East Queensland system. The MonoCab VRT fares adopted are 50% of the current rail fares.

Below is the proposed Gold Coast system which has approximately 230 mini-stations.  ALL travel will be without any intermediate stops.

To travel between cities, passengers will travel on the urban network to larger stations as shown on the highway to the left to transfer to larger vehicles.


Currently, the Queensland Government subsidises rail and bus fares in South East Queensland by 76.74%, i.e. for every $1.00 paid in fares, the Government pays another $3.30. This MonoCab VRT proposal has NO FARE OR TRACK SUBSIDIES.

This study is based on the formation of new public companies (listed or unlisted) for each section of track that would raise start up capital from share issues. The capital raising adopted is approximately 20% of the track capital cost.

The figures include a 20% administration surcharge on the operating costs (excluding interest and redemption charges on the track loans).


The "Average km Between Vehicles" chart shows that there is a significant capacity increase available above that shown for the various levels of the analysis. MonoCab VRT vehicles can safely operate at as little as 50 metres spacing.


As the track is elevated, it has no impact on traffic, pedestrians, animals, or hydrology.

An additional benefit of MonoCab VRT is that the track is able to carry conduits and pipes for communication cabling (e.g. NBN), water, oil, gas etc.

Other Case Studies

Brisbane to Melbourne

Galilee Basin coal mines to Bowen

Galilee Basin coal mines to Gulf of Carpentaria


During public displays of our MonoCab VRT model, we conduct a written survey (name, address and comments). We also ask respondents two questions:-

Would you like the MonoCab VRT rapid transit system in your community?

The Response:-

YES - 99.42%

We also ask them to rate the system out of 10:-

Average rating = 9.54/10

You Can't Get Much Better Than That!!