MonoCab VRT Rapid Transit System


Brisbane - Melbourne Track:-

This proposal is an alternative to the High Speed Rail (HSR) proposal that is currently under consideration by the Australian Government.

Passenger capacities and fares have been based on a study of airline flights on each corridor between cities on Thursday 26 June, 2014 (same day as BITRE data). The MonoCab VRT fares adopted are 50% of the current average airline fares.

Passenger capacities for commuter traffic between Newcastle and Sydney have been based on the projected figures shown in the High Speed Rail Report prepared for the Australian Government by AECOM in 2011. The MonoCab VRT fare adopted is 50% of the current rail fare for Newcastle to Sydney commuters.

The starting point of this analysis is based on 30% of other modes current passenger numbers with seven levels up to 100% to give a extensive range of possible traffic now and with future growth.


This study is based on the formation of new public companies (listed or unlisted) for each section of track that would raise start up capital from share issues. The capital raising adopted is approximately 20% of the track capital cost. The vehicles would be purchased as required using separate loan funding. The vehicle repayments have been included in this study.

The figures include a 20% administration surcharge on the operating costs (excluding interest and redemption charges on the track loans).


The "Average Vehicle Spacing" chart below shows that there are significant capacity increases available above that shown for the various levels of the analysis. The MonoCab vehicles are able to travel at as little as 50 metres spacing.


As the track is elevated a minimum of five metres above ground at 30 - 35 metre centres, it has no impact on ground level vehicular traffic, pedestrians, animals, livestock or hydrology.

Being elevated, the system is virtually immune to service interruptions due to weather. Only cyclones may impact on its operations.

An additional benefit of MonoCab VRT is that the track is able to carry conduits/pipes for communication cabling (e.g. NBN), water, oil, gas etc.

There is ample capacity on this network for significant freight tonnage from Melbourne to Brisbane and the return trip. A nominal allowance for this available traffic has been included in the study. The transit time for this freight is approximately 9 ½ hours at a cost of approximately 60% of current road transport.

Other Case Studies

Gold coast & S.E. Queensland

Galilee Basin coal mines to Bowen

Galilee Basin coal mines to Gulf of Carpentaria



During public displays of our MonoCab VRT model, we conduct a written survey (name, address and comments). We also ask respondents two questions:-

Would you like the MonoCab VRT rapid transit system in your community?

The Response:-

YES - 99.42%

We also ask them to rate the system out of 10:-

Average rating = 9.54/10

You Can't Get Much Better Than That!!