Case studies:-
There have been four very detailed case studies produced as examples of the financial profile of MonoCab VRT
The studies are based on the formation of new public companies (listed or unlisted) for each section of
track that would raise start up capital from share issues.
The capital raising adopted is approximately 20% of the track capital cost. The vehicles would be purchased as
required using separate loan funding.
These studies include all operational costs as well as interest and redemption of loan funds for the track
construction and vehicles.
These studies are:-
- Brisbane to Melbourne via Newcastle, Sydney and Canberra (An
alternative to the proposed high speed rail).
- Gold Coast and South East Queensland excluding Brisbane
metropolitan tracks.
- Galilee Basin to Abbot Point coal transport.
- Galilee Basin to the Gulf of
Carpentaria coal transport. An alternate proposal to a new port near Karumba.
These case studies are available on request -